Haere Mai, Welcome
to Knox Church ÅŒtepoti Dunedin
...a vibrant, diverse, outward-looking
community of faith in central Dunedin
Services of worship

Sundays 10am

Sundays 7pm
innovative worship // traditional structure // choral music // children's programme
contemplative style //
innovative liturgy // conversational

150 years ago, the foundation stone Knox Church was laid. On the occasion of its 150th birthday, we are launching the 150th Appeal to lay a solid foundation for the next 150 years. You can find out more and contribute here.
Latest News
In relation to our in-person worship at Knox Church Dunedin … In these days, Knox Church continues to be church: to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ, to help people support each other, to worship, pray and reach out in compassion. We continue to adapt to changes brought by the pandemic.
In relation to our in-person worship this Sunday​​
Wearing a mask to minimise the risk of spreading or catching Covid or the flu is perfectly acceptable
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell
Please respect peoples' personal space when greeting each other
If you are not on our regular giving system and would like to make a cash offering, please put your offering in one of the donation boxes at the back of the church when you arrive or as you leave. ​​​​​
16 March - Lent 2 - Bruce Howat. The readings are Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Luke 13:31-35
9 March - Lent 1 - Graham Redding. The readings are Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Luke 4:1-13. The Order of Service is available here
Get in Touch
449 George Street
(corner of Pitt St and George St)
Dunedin 9016
Email: admin@knoxchurch.org.nz
Phone: 034770229